YULIANA, Tri; MARDAWATI, Efri; FEBRIANTI, Emilda A.; HARTONO, Agus T.; RAHIMAH, Souvia. Screening and Enzyme Activity of Cellulase-Producing Bacteria Isolated from Kemiri Sunan (Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw) and Empty Fruit Bunches of the Palm Oil (Elaieis guineensis). International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 191–196, 2021. DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.11.1.11314. Disponível em: http://ijaseit.insightsociety.org/index.php/ijaseit/article/view/11314. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2024.