Tuba Root (Derris elliptica Benth.) Biopesticide Potential Assay to Control Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) on Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.)

Rusli Rustam (1), Hafiz Fauzana (2), - Nurjayanti (3), Rachmad Saputra (4)
(1) Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Riau, 28293, Indonesia
(2) Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Riau, 28293, Indonesia
(3) Agriculture Science Master Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Riau, 28293, Indonesia
(4) Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Riau, 28293, Indonesia
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Rustam, Rusli, et al. “Tuba Root (Derris Elliptica Benth.) Biopesticide Potential Assay to Control Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata Lugens Stal.) on Rice Plant (Oryza Sativa L.)”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, Aug. 2021, pp. 1654-60, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.11.4.12543.
Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) is one of rice plants' pests that attack from the nursery to the harvest stage. Controls carried out by farmers generally use synthetic insecticides. Reducing the impact caused by synthetic insecticides, an alternative that can be used to controlling the brown planthopper is by using botanical insecticide tuba root. Tuba root plants have been widely reported to control pests and contain the active ingredient rotenone. Rotenone works as a stomach poison and selective. This study aims to examine the ability of tuba root plant parts extracts (leaves, branches, and roots) with organic solvents to control brown planthopper pests in rice plants. The study was conducted in February-April 2019 at the Plant Pest Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. The study was conducted experimentally using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and six replications to obtain 18 experimental units. The tuba root plant trial test consists of 3 levels: root extract, branch extract, and leaf extract with organic solvents. The parameters observed were the time of death of brown planthopper (hour), lethal meantime (LT50) (hour), daily mortality (%), and total mortality (%). The results showed that the application of root extract caused an initial death of 2.33 hours after application, LT50 17.33 hours after application with a total mortality rate of 100%. Application of botanical insecticide tuba root is effective for controlling brown planthopper pests in rice plants because it causes the death of brown planthopper above 80%.

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