Application of Sub-bituminous Coal Activated with Urea to Improve Chemical Properties of Ultisols and Palm Oil's Growth (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) In Pulau Punjung, Dharmasraya

- Herviyanti (1), Amsar Maulana (2), Teguh B. Pasetyo (3), Trisa Omily (4), Ridho Ryswaldi (5)
(1) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis, Padang, West Sumatra 25163 Indonesia
(2) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis, Padang, West Sumatra 25163 Indonesia
(3) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis, Padang, West Sumatra 25163 Indonesia
(4) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis, Padang, West Sumatra 25163 Indonesia
(5) Department of Management, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra 25163, Indonesia
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Herviyanti, -, et al. “Application of Sub-Bituminous Coal Activated With Urea to Improve Chemical Properties of Ultisols and Palm Oil’s Growth (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) In Pulau Punjung, Dharmasraya”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, Apr. 2021, pp. 791-7, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.11.2.13536.
Ultisols are a type of suboptimal land with low fertility, so it is necessary to add ameliorants such as Sub-bituminous (unproductive young coal as an energy source) to increase soil fertility. This study aimed to examine the effect of Sub-bituminous coal activated by Urea in improving the chemical properties of Ultisols and the growth of oil palm. The study was conducted in Nagari Sungai Dareh, Pulau Punjung, Dharmasraya West Sumatra using a Randomized Block Design with 6 treatments and 3 groups. The treatments are the dose of Sub-bituminous coal (g (planting hole)-1) and Urea fertilizer, which is A = 150; B = 300; C = 450; D = 150 + 10% Urea; E = 300 + 10% Urea; and F = 450 + 10% Urea. The results showed that the administration of Sub-bituminous coal at a dose of 450 g (planting hole)-1 activated by 10% Urea was able to improve the chemical properties of Ultisols such as increasing the soil pH by 0.57 units; total-N by 0.13%; organic-C by 0.69%; available P by 3.25 ppm; CEC by 16,14 cmolc kg-1 and can reduce of Al-exch to immeasurable compared to 150 g (planting hole)-1. Sub-bituminous coal activated by 10% Urea increases oil palm growth (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Increasing plant growth was found in 450 g (planting hole)-1 + 10% Urea with an increase in plant height by 48.34 cm, the number of midribs of 4 strands, stem diameter by 1.71 cm, and nutrient plant of N, P and K by 0.014; 0.005; and 0.003%.

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