Designing Interface Based on Digipreneur to Increase Entrepreneurial Interest in Engineering Students

- Ganefri (1), Rahmat Fadillah (2), Hendra Hidayat (3)
(1) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, 25133, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, 25133, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, 25133, Indonesia
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Ganefri, -, et al. “Designing Interface Based on Digipreneur to Increase Entrepreneurial Interest in Engineering Students”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 78-84, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.12.1.13915.
Entrepreneurship is one of the activities produced from higher education as an alternative solution because it contains competence, education, and training elements. Entrepreneurship has values needed during a digital society to survive and be creative in seeing problems into opportunities. Vocational engineering graduate dominates the high level of unemployment in Indonesia. It proves that there is still a lack of student interest in entrepreneurship. This paper aims to present a digipreneur-based (digital entrepreneur) interface design process to increase entrepreneurial interest in engineering students in Technology and Vocational Education. This research uses a research and development approach with three stages, namely: Phase I require analysis and design of the model, Phase II develops with validity and practicality, and Phase III will implement the model while in this study will only focus on stage I, namely Design Interface to Increase Entrepreneurial Interest in Engineering Students. The design of this interface uses elements of a digital entrepreneur known as an LMS Based Digipreneur. An effective and efficient alternative is needed by digipreneurs, namely the Digipreneur-based Learning Management System (LMS). It combines the concept of online learning and elements of technological entrepreneurship. It enables students to be very adaptive and develop their business because LMS facility supports and facilitates online shops that students can make independently. These integrations and implementation can be applied directly to entrepreneurship learning in higher education.

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