Structural Characterization, Analysis, and Proposal for the Flour Production Market from Acheta Domesticus

Sheryl Alegría-Quispe (1), Jean Paul Pacheco-Román (2), Marcos Fernando Ruiz-Ruiz (3)
(1) Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Lima, Javier Prado Este 4600, Lima, 15023, Peru
(2) Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Lima, Javier Prado Este 4600, Lima, 15023, Peru
(3) Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Lima, Javier Prado Este 4600, Lima, 15023, Peru
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Alegría-Quispe , Sheryl, et al. “Structural Characterization, Analysis, and Proposal for the Flour Production Market from Acheta Domesticus”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 14, no. 3, June 2024, pp. 993-1000, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.14.3.19450.
There is a constant search for alternative food sources due to rapid population growth and nutritional problems that affect the world. In this context, edible insects such as the Acheta domesticus (a species of cricket with a high protein and fat content) have become an alternative food source and managed to capture the attention of researchers due to their valuable nutritional content and low environmental impact. This study aimed to identify and characterize the variables and strategic actors that lead the flour production market based on the aforementioned Acheta domesticus in Peru. A structural analysis of descriptive scope was conducted with the help of a panel of five experts knowledgeable about the sector in question and the Cross Impact Matrix and Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) tool to pursue consensus by motivating collective reflection. The findings revealed that the market studied presents an unstable dynamic, which implies a dispersion of the variables along the bisector since it has eight key variables in total, technological development and profitability being the most sensitive; At the same time, on the side of the social actors, the insect producers are the ones who predominate among the others. This study constitutes a starting point for any strategic action linked to the planning and developing of new alternative sources that seek a change in the studied market.

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