Analysis of Factors Affecting Tuber Consumption Based on Income Classes at Palembang City Indonesia

Yudhi Zuriah Wirya Purba (1), Agoes Thony Ak (2)
(1) Department of Agribusiness Science, University of Sjakhyakirti, Jl. Sultan Muh.Mansyur Kebon Gede, Palembang, Indonesia
(2) Department of Agribusiness Science, University of Sjakhyakirti, Jl. Sultan Muh.Mansyur Kebon Gede, Palembang, Indonesia
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Wirya Purba, Yudhi Zuriah, and Agoes Thony Ak. “Analysis of Factors Affecting Tuber Consumption Based on Income Classes at Palembang City Indonesia”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, Aug. 2020, pp. 1696-01, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.10.4.7321.
The research objective was to analyze factors affecting tubers consumption in Palembang City based on income classes. This study was conducted at Ilir Barat I, Ilir Timur II, and Seberang Ulu II Sub-districts, Palembang City, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This research aims to identify the factors that could affect the consumption of tubers based-on income classes in Palembang city as the capital of South Sumatra. This research data collection through a survey method that collected samples using the disproportioned stratified random sampling technique consisting of 90 heads of families from 3 (three) districts in Palembang. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research are the factors identified to have a significant effect on the consumption level of tubers. These factors are family size (number of family members), prices of noodles, price of cassava, price of sweet potato, age composition, housewife educational levels, and household income levels. The results concluded that the cassava and sweet potato price had significantly positive contributions. In contrast, the mediaum and high income had significant negative effects on tubers consumption in Palembang City. Moreover, as for the rest, the family size, instant noodle price, age composition, and housewife educational level had no significant effect.

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