A Study of The Upstream-downstream Interface in End-to-end Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Systems

Maheshika Sakalasuriya (1), Dilanthi Amaratunga (2), Richard Haigh (3), Siri Hettige (4)
(1) Global Disaster resilience Centre, School of Art Design and Architecture, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, United Kingdom
(2) Global Disaster resilience Centre, School of Art Design and Architecture, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, United Kingdom
(3) Global Disaster resilience Centre, School of Art Design and Architecture, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, United Kingdom
(4) Centre for Development Research and Interventions, 60/11 Mahamega Gardens, Maharagama, Western Province, Sri Lanka
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M. Sakalasuriya, D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, and S. Hettige, “A Study of The Upstream-downstream Interface in End-to-end Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Systems”, Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 2421–2427, Dec. 2018.
The tsunami early warning and mitigation systems are typically used to detect the tsunami inundation before the impact so that vulnerable communities can be alerted and the damage can be minimized. These systems typically entail upstream and downstream processes, starting from the detection of tsunami wave and finishing with safe evacuation of people. There is an interface between upstream and downstream mechanisms where the warning is issued and the decision to evacuate people are taken. In individual countries, the system by which the information is disseminated from a national point to individual communities varies significantly. Due to the complex nature of different administrative systems, it is difficult to understand who takes the decision to evacuate, at which point and how is it taken. This paper is the first part of a more extensive study undertaken to understand and evaluate the interface between the upstream and downstream mechanisms of the tsunami early warning system. The objective of the paper is to present the findings of a literature review conducted as an initial step to the above study and to understand state of the art and practices related to the interface of an end-to-end tsunami warning and mitigation system. The literature is grouped and analyzed using the conceptual analysis method, in order to understand the concepts related to the tsunami early warning system, mainly focusing on the issues pertaining to the interface. Through the literature review, a conceptual framework is developed, presenting nine concepts and their relationships within the interface. This conceptual framework will serve as a strong theoretical foundation for the future steps to be taken under the above study.

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