Sensory Preference, Nutrient Content, and Shelf Life of Moringa Oliefera Leaf Crackers

Rita Ismawati (1), Meda Wahini (2), Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni (3), Qory Aina (4)
(1) Department of Home Economics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya 60231, East-Java, Indonesia
(2) Department of Home Economics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya 60231, East-Java, Indonesia
(3) Department of Home Economics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya 60231, East-Java, Indonesia
(4) Department of Nutrition Science, Surabaya College of Health Sciences, Surabaya, East-Java, Indonesia
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How to cite (IJASEIT) :
Ismawati, Rita, et al. “Sensory Preference, Nutrient Content, and Shelf Life of Moringa Oliefera Leaf Crackers”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 2, Apr. 2019, pp. 489-94, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8343.
Crackers is one of the snack foods, which can be variated in various types of and flavors. This study aimed to determine the sensory preference, nutrition content, and shelf life of Moringa oliefera leaf (Mol) crackers. Utilization of Mol is by processed it into powder, and chopped form then added to the crackers dough with the various amount of 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% for each form. The sensory test had been done to measure sensory properties such as color, aroma, texture, flavor and the level of preference. Sensoric test data were analyzed by using two way ANOVA and further Duncan test to examine the correlation between Moringa oliefera processed leaf type and addition amount with its sensory properties and panelist’s preference. The most preferred product then tested for its nutrient content. Crackers shelf life that observed were Total Plate Count (TPC) and Most Probable Number (MPN). This study showed that Moringa oliefera processed leaf type and the additional amount that is used will affect the sensory properties of crackers. There was a correlation between the Moringa oliefera processed leaf type and addition amount that is used with the cracker’s color, texture, and level of preferences, but not with the aroma and flavor. Nutrient content per 100g of the most preferences Moringa oliefera leaf crackers is energy 368.80 kcal, carbohydrate 65.91 g, protein 11.82g, fat 6.92g, Fe 4.68mg, calcium 26.50mg, Vit C 17.88mg, Vit A 48.55SI, Fiber 4.56g, ash 5.11%, and water 1.21%. The moringa leaf crackers can be stored for 8 weeks which TPC score is 0.9 x 104 (cfu/g) and MPN score is 23.89/g.

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