The Influence of Type of Solvent and Extraction Temperature of Corn Silk Extracts

- Haslina (1), Novizar Nazir (2), Sri Budi Wahjuningsih (3), Dewi Larasati (4)
(1) Semarang University
(2) Andalas University
(3) Semarang University
(4) Semarang University
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Haslina, -, et al. “The Influence of Type of Solvent and Extraction Temperature of Corn Silk Extracts”. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, June 2019, pp. 911-5, doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.3.9037.
Corn silk has not been well-utilized.  Actually it has the capacity to develop into functional food because it contains bioactive compounds and high natural antioxidant such as flavonoids and phenolics and positive effects on human health. There are several factors that influence the quality of corn silks extracts, including ratio (raw:solvents) and extraction temperature. This research was couducted to determine the influence of ratio (raw:solvent) and extration temperature of corn silk extracts.  The experimental design used Randomized Block Design (RBD) which consisted of two factors and 3 replications. The first factor was type of solvent. All treatment use (raw:solvents) ratio at (1:4). The first factor consists P1=raw:ethanol (1:4)(w/v), P2=raw:methanol (1:4)(w/v), P3=raw:ethyl acetate (1:4)(w/v), and P4=raw:acetone (1:4)(w/v). and the second factor was extraction temperature that consists S1=60°C, S2=70°C, and S3=80°C. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance, followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test at 5% significant level. Parameters of chemical analysis were included (water, ash, protein, fat, and carbohyrate), and phytochemical analysis were included (total phenol, total flavonoid, activity antioxidant, beta carotene, and vitamin C). The results showed that the type of solvent  and extraction temperature of corn silk extracts have significantly effect on water, ash, protein, fat, and, total phenol, total flavonoid, activity antioxidant, beta carotene, and vitamin C. Methanol solvent and extraction temperature at 60°C is the best treatment which have the highest protein and the lowest fat content at 18.22%±1.13 and 0.17%±0.02 respectively, and  the highest total phenol, total flavonoid, activity antioxidant, beta carotene, and vitamin C at 8216.89±132.39 μgGAE/g; 234.29±3.98 μgGAE/g; 215.27ppm±3.87; 80.80%±1.84; and 8.84%±0.45 respectively. 

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